- Ambrosia Beetle Translucent Panel Trap (Megaplatypus mutates)Product: (AP649-TRAP-CLR)
- Anthonomus Grandis TrapProducts: (P004-Trap)
- Aphid Trap-YellowProducts: (P249-Trap)
- Black Vine Weevil TrapProducts: (P318-Trap)
- Blue Fabric trap / Trampa de Tela Azul (Stomoxys calcitrans)Products: (P579-VT)
- Blue Plastic Stickem Card (10 Pack)Products: (P271-Trap)
- C. sordidus Buried TrapProducts: (P070-Trap)
- Coffee Berry Borer Trap – RedProducts: (P163-Trap)
- Cupboard TrapProducts: (P8909-Pack)
- Delta TrapProducts: (P018-Trap)
- Delta Trap InsertsProducts: (P179-Pack)
- Diamond Trap with GridProducts: (P001-Trap)
- Dome Trap & HangerProducts: (P043-Trap)
- Douglas Fir Tussock Moth Milk Carton TrapProduct: (P131-Trap)
- EAB Purple Prism TrapProduct: (P385-Purple EAB Tp)
- Elm Bark Beetle Panel TrapProduct: (P188)
- Fly Trap Master CatcherFly Trap Master Catcher Products: (P515-Trap)
- Glue StickemProducts: P264-Adhesive P265-Adhesive
- Grain Probe TrapProducts: (P093-Trap)
- Green Diamond Trap with GridProducts: (P407-Trap)
- Green Gypsy Moth TrapProduct: (P467)
- Jackson Inserts with GridProducts: (P322-Pack)
- Jackson Trap & HangerProducts: (P040-Trap)
- Khapra Beetle Wall TrapProducts: (P103-Trap)
- Multi-funnel TrapProducts: (P218-Trap – purple) (P218-Trap – green) (P218-Trap)
- Palm Weevil Bucket TrapProducts: (P219L-Trap)
- Pantry Pest TrapProduct: (P346-Pack)
- Plastic DeltaTrap InsertsProducts: (P446-Insert)
- Ramp TrapProducts: (P056-Trap)
- Red Plastic Stickem Card (10 Pack)Products: (P402-Trap)
- San Jose Scale TrapProducts: (P253-Trap)
- Sticky Insert BVW TrapProducts: (P008-Trap Insert)
- Surface Grain Beetle TrapProducts: (P102-Trap)
- Thrips Blue Grid TrapProducts: (P301-Trap)
- UnitrapProducts: (P073-Trap) (P074-Trap) (P075-Trap) (P392-Trap)
- Unitrap Vanes (Pair)Products: (P050-vane)
- Unitrap With Vanes-YellowProducts: (P075-Trap w Vanes)
- Vaned Bucket TrapProducts: (P050-Trap)
- VaportapeProduct: (P020-Tape)
- Water/Oil TrapProducts: (P448-Trap)
- White Fly TrapProducts: (P229-Trap) (P230-Trap)
- White Plastic Delta TrapProducts: (P445-Trap)
- White Sticky CardsProducts: (P451-Trap)
- Wing TrapProducts: (P215-Trap Pack)
- Woodborer Panel TrapProduct: (P649-Trap)
- Small Yellow Plastic Stickem Card (5 Pack)Products: (P171-5 Trap Pack)
- Yellow Sticky Card 12″x15″ (1 unit)Product: (P171-12×15)
- Yellow Sticky Card 3″x5″ (25 Pack)Product: (P171-3×5)
- Yellow Sticky Card 4″x6″ (10 Pack)Product: (P171-4×6)
- Yellow Plastic Stickem Card (10 Pack)Products: (P171-Traps)
- Acrolepiopsis assectellaCommon name: Pecan nut casebearer, Mexican Strain Products: (P337-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Acrobasis nuxvorellaCommon name: Pecan nut casebearer, USA Strain Products: (P368- US Lure) (P368-Mex Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Adoxophyes oranaCommon names: Summer fruit tortrix moth Products: (P458-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap) (P074-Trap)
- Agriotes lineatusCommon name: Lined click beetle Products: (P350-Lure) (P318-Trap)
- Agrotis fucosaCommon name: Common cutworm Products: (P267-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P073-Trap)
- Agrotis ipsilonCommon name: Black cutworm Products: (P084-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Agrotis segetumCommon name: Turnip moth Products: (P085-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Amorbia cuneanaCommon name: Avocado leafroller Products: (P256-Lure) (P215- Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Anarsia lineatellaCommon name: Peach twig borer Products: (P184-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Anthonomus grandisCommon name:Cotton boll weevil Products: (P033-Lure) (P404-Lure) (P004-Trap)
- Aonidiella aurantiiCommon name: California red scale Products: (P211-10X Lure) (P211-5X Lure) (P253-Trap) (10 units)
- Archippus breviplicanusCommon name: Asiatic leafroller Products: (P457-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Archips rosanusCommon name: European leafroller Products: (P185-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Argyrotaenia velutinanaCommon name: Redbanded leafroller Products: (P376-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Athetis lepigone (Proxenus lepigone)Products: (P645-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Bonagota cranaodesCommon name: Brazilian apple leafroller Products: (P149-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Busseola fuscaCommon name: Maize stalkborer Products: (P244-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Cacoecimorpha pronubanaCommon name: Mediterranean carnation leafroller Products: (P432-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Carposina niponensisCommon name: Peach fruit moth Products: (P412-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Carposina sasakiiCommon name: Peach fruit moth (P456-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Cephus cinctusCommon Name: Wheat stem sawfly Products: (P290-Lure) (P249-Trap) (P171-5)
- Chilo partellusCommon name: Spotted stalkborer Products: (P243-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Chilo suppressalisCommon name: Asiatic rice borer Products: (P193-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Chrysoteuchia topiaryCommon name: Cranberry girdler Products: (P289-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Conotrachelus nenupharCommon name: Plum curculio Products: (P121-Lure) (P029L-Trap)
- Cosmopolites sordidus (Cosmolure)Common name: Banana corm weevil (P160-Lure) (P160-Lure 90) (P082-Lure) (P056-Trap)
- Cossus cossusCommon name: Goat moth Products: (P371-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Crawling Beetles TrapP582-Trap Crawling Beetles Trap
- Cryptoblabes gnidiellaCommon name: Honeydew or Christmas berry moth Products: (P213-S-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Cryptophlebia leucotretaCommon name: False codling moth Products: (P250-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Cryptophlebia peltasticaCommon name: Litchi moth Products: (P303-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Cucumber BeetleCommon name:Cucumber beetle Products: (P313-Lure 3) (P313-Lure) (P131-Traps)
- Curculio caryaeCommon name: Pecan weevil Products: (P354-Lure) (P056-Trap)
- Cydia caryanaCommon name: Hickory shuckworm Products: (P355-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Cydia pomonellaCommon name: Codling moth Products: (P206-S Lure) (P504-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Cylas formicariusCommon name: Sweetpotato weevil Products: (P299-Lure) (P056-Trap) (P029L-Trap)
- Delia platura & D. antiguaCommon Name: Seed-corn fly & onion fly Products: (P316-Attractant) (P171-Traps)
- Diaphania indicaCommon name: Cucumber moth Products: (P428-Lure) (P215Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Diaphania nitidalisCommon name: Pickleworm Produts: (P019-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Diatraea considerataCommon name: Sugarcane borer Products: (P013-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Diatraea grandiosellaCommon name: Southwestern corn borer Products: (P014-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Diatraea impersonatellaCommon name: Sugarcane borer Products: (P015-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Earias insulanaCommon name: Egyptian stemborer Products: (P023-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap) (P074-Trap)
- Earias vittellaCommon name: Spotted bollworm Products: (P157-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap) (P074-Trap)
- Ecdytolopha aurantianaCommon name: Citrus fruit borer Products: (P312-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Elasmopalpus lignosellusCommon name: Lesser cornstalk borer Products: (P024-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap) (P074-Trap)
- Endopiza viteanaCommon name: Grape berry moth Products: (P363-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Eoreuma loftiniCommon name: Mexican rice borer Products: (P022-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Epichoristodes acerbellaCommon name: African carnation tortrix Products: (P269-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Epicometis hirtaCommon name: Apple blossom beetle Products: (P306-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Epilachna chrysomelinaCommon name: Melon ladybird beetle Products: (P181-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Epiphyas postvittanaCommon name: Light brown apple moth Products: (P472-Lure) (P040-Trap)
- Etiella zinckenellaCommon name: Limabean pod borer Products: (P411-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Eupoecilia ambiguellaCommon name: European grape berry moth Products: (P323-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Euschitus herosCommon name: Neotropical brown stink bug Products: (P540-Lure)
- Euwallacea fornicatusCommon Name: Polyphagous shot hole borer Products: (P548-Lure US
- Euzophera bigellaCommon name: Quince moth Products: (P392-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Exomala orientalisCommon name: Oriental beetle Products: (P127-Lure) (P127-Lure MD) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Fumibotys fumalisCommon name: Mint root borer moth Products: (P296-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap) (P074-Trap)
- Grapholita funebranaCommon name: Plum fruit moth Products: (P182-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Grapholita lobarzewskiiCommon name: Small fruit tortrix Products: (P441-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Grapholita molestaCommon name: Oriental fruit moth Products: (P005-Lure) (P035-Dispenser)(MD) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Halyomorpha halys P588-LureOur Brown Marmorated Stink Bug P588-Lure lasts at least 12 weeks in the field.
- Halyomorpha halys HRCommon name: Brown marmorated stink bug Products: (P460-HR Lure) (P029L-Trap)
- Helicoverpa armigeraCommon name: American bollworm Products: (P037-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Helicoverpa gelotopoeonCommon name: Cotton boll armyworm Products: (P347-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Helicoverpa virescensCommon name: Tobacco budworm Products: (P036-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Helicoverpa zeaCommon name: Corn earworm Products: (P038-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Heliothis obsoletaCommon name: Cutworm Products: (P196-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Heliothis peltigeraCommon name: Bordered straw Products: (P418-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Heliothis viriplacaCommon name: Marbled clove Products: (P197-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- HemarisCommon name: Snowberry clearwing moth Products: (P344-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Homoeosoma electellumCommon name: American sunflower moth Products: (P455-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Homoeosoma nebulellumCommon name: European sunflower moth Products: (P384-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Hylemia cilicruraCommon name: Seed-corn maggot Products: (P209-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Hypothenemus hampeiCommon name: Coffee berry borer Products: (P109-Lure) (P163-Trap)
- Keiferia lycopersicellaCommon name: Tomato pinworm Products: (P066-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert) (P448-Trap)
- Kermania pistaciellaCommon name: Pistachio borer Products: (P487-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Leucinodes orbonalisCommon name: Eggplant borer Products: (P308-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Leucoptera coffeellaCommon name: Coffee leafminer Products: (P238-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Leucoptera scitellaCommon name: Pear leaf blister moth Products: (P210-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Lobesia botranaCommon name: European grapevine moth Products: (P159-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert) (P074-Trap)
- Maconellicoccus hirsutusCommon name: Pink hibiscus mealy bug Products: (P534-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Macrodactylus spp.Common name: Rose chafer Products: (P297-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Malacosoma neustriumCommon name: Lackey moth Products: (P517-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Melolontha melolonthaCommon name: European cockchafer Products: (P430-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Metalure (Metamasius hemipterus)Common name: Sugarcane weevil Products: (P044-Lure) (P056-Trap) (P219L-Trap)
- Metamasius dimidiatipennisCommon name: Pineapple weevil Products: (P155-Lure) (P219L-Trap) (P056-Trap)
- Mythimna loreyiCommon name: Rice armyworm Products: (P434-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Neoleucinodes elegantalisCommon name:Tomato fruit borer Products: (P228-Lure) (P228-5X Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Odoiporus longicollisCommon name: Banana stemborer Products: (P266-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Opogona sacchariCommon name: Banana moth Products: (P090-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Ostrinia nubilalis ZCommon name: European corn borer Products: (P195-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Palpita unionalis (Margoronia unionalis)Common name: Jasmine moth Products: (P454-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Pammene fascianaCommon name: Chestnut leafroller Products: (P356-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Pantomorus cervinusCommon name: Fuller’s rose weevil Products: (P433-Lure) (P056-Trap)
- Paranthrene tabaniformisCommon name: Dusky clearwing Products: (P324-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Pectinophora gossypiellaCommon name: Pink bollworm Products: (P047-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Pectinophora malvellaCommon name: Bollworm Products: (P183-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Phthorimaea operculellaCommon name: Potato tuberworm Products: (P055-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Phyllocnistis citrella (Improved Formulation)Common name: Citrus leafminer Products: (P187-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Phyllonorycter corylifoliellaCommon name: Hawthorn red midget moth Products: (P317-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Phyllonorycter ringoniellaCommon name: Apple leafminer Products: (P336-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap) (P448-Trap)
- Phyllophaga anxiaCommon name: Cranberry white grub products: (P325-Lure S) (P050-Trap)
- Phyllophaga cuyabanaCommon name: June beetle Products: (P295-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Phyllophaga dasypodaCommon name: June beetle Products: (P429-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Phyllophaga elenansCommon name: June beetle Products: (P049-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Phyllophaga ephilidaCommon name: June beetle Products: (P165-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Phyllophaga menestresiName: Phyllophaga menestresi Products: (P523-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Phyllophaga vicinaCommon name: June beetle Products: (P051-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Planococcus citriCommon name: Citrus mealybug Products: (P270-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Planococcus ficusCommon name: Vine mealybug Products: (P260-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Platynota stultanaCommon name: Omnivorous leafroller Products: (P352-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Plusia chalcitesCommon name: Tomato looper Products: (P401-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert) (P074-Trap)
- Plutella maculipennisCommon name: Diamondback moth Products: (P105-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Plutella xylostellaCommon name: Diamondback moth Products: (P054-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Popillia bipunctataCommon name: Yellow shining leaf chafer Products: (P305-Lure) (P075-Trap)
- Prays citriCommon name: Citrus blossum moth Products: (P042-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Prays oleaeCommon name: Olive moth Products: (P178-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Premnotrypes latithoraxCommon name: Andean potato weevil Products: (P476-Lure) (P056-Trap)
- Proeulia aurariaCommon Name: Chilean fruit leaffolder Products: (P464-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Pseudoplusia includensCommon name: Soybean looper Products: (P294-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Psila rosaeCommon name: Carrot fly Products: (P161-Attractant) (P171-Traps)
- Quadraspidiotus perniciosusCommon name: San Jose scale products: (P212-Lure) (P253-Trap)
- Rachiplusia ouCommon name: Gray looper moth Products: (P348-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Rhabdoscelus obscurusCommon name: New Guinea sugarcane weevil, Hawaiian sugarcane weevil Products: (P057-Lure P) (P057-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
- Rhopobota naevanaCommon name: Blackheaded fireworm Products: (P111-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Riptortus clavatusCommon name: Bean bug Products: (P389-Lure) (P448-Trap)
- Sabulodes aegrotataCommon name: Omnivorous looper Products: (P257-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Scirpoghaga exceptalisCommon name: Sugarcane top shoot borer Products: (P391-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Scirpophaga incertulasCommon name: Yellow rice stemborer Products: (P445-Lure) (P215-Trap pack) (P001-Trap)
- Scychophorus acupuntatus (Improved Formulation)Common name: Agave weevil Products: (P440-Lure) (P056-Trap)
- Sesamia inferensCommon name: Purple stemborer Products: (P446-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Sesamia nonagrioidesCommon name: Corn stalkborer Products: (P436-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Sesia apiformisCommon name: Poplar borer Products: (P490-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Sparganothis sulfureanaCommon name: Blueberry leafroller Products: (P112-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Spectrobates ceratoniae (Improved Formulation)Common name: Carob moth Products: (P393-Lure) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Spodoptera cosmioidesProducts: (P224-Lure SC) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera eridaniaCommon name: Southern armyworm Products: (P234-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera exemptaCommon name: African armyworm Products: (P386-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera exiguaCommon name: Beet armyworm Products: (P060-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera frugiperdaCommon name: Fall armyworm Products: (P061-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera latifasciaCommon name: Lateral lined armyworm Products: (P224-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera littoralisCommon name: Egyptian cotton leafworm Products: (P062-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera lituraCommon name: Tobacco cutworm Products: (P063-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera mauritiaCommon name: Lawn armyworm moth Products: (P067-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Spodoptera suniaCommon name: Armyworm Products: (P060-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Sufetula ananiaCommon name: Red-headed Pineapple Worm Products: (P592-Lure)
- Symmetrischema tangoliasCommon name: Andean potato tuber moth Products: (P367-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Synanthedon bibionipenniCommon name: Strawberry crown moth Products: (P237-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Synanthedon exitiosaCommon name: Peachtree borer Products: (P374-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Synanthedon myopaeformisCommon name: Apple clearwing moth Products: (P190-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Synanthedon pictipesCommon name: Peach tree borer Products: (P375-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Synanthedon scitulaCommon name: Dogwood borer Products: (P473-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Synanthedon tabaniformisCommon name: Dusky clearwing moth Products: (P425-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Synanthedon tipuliformisCommon name: Currant clearwing moth Products: (P191-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Synanthedon vespiformisCommon name: Yellowlegged clearwing moth Products: (P459-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Tecia solanivoraCommon name: Guatemalan potato tuber moth Products: (P176-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Thrips spp.Common name: Frankliniella spp. Products: (P178-Attractant) (P271-Trap)
- Tortrix viridanaCommon name: Green oak tortrix Products: (P201-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Trichodes ornatusCommon name: Checkered flower beetle Products: (P259-Lure) (P074-Trap)
- Trichoplusia niCommon name: Cabbage looper Products: (P125-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P074-Trap)
- Tuta absolutaCommon name: Tomato leaf miner Products: (P214-Lure) (P446-Trap) (P446-Insert) (P448-Trap)
- Yponomeuta padellusCommon name: Cherry ermine moth Products: (P416-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Zelleria hepariellaCommon name: Ermine moth Products: (P474-Lure) (P171-Traps)
- Zeuzera pyrinaCommon name: Leopard moth Products: (P192-Lure) (P001-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Anoplophora glabripennisCommon Name: Asian Longhorned Beetle Products: (P518-Complete 10X Lure)
- Beetleblock Verbenone – Bark and Ambrosia Beetle RepellentRepellent for Dendroctonus, Ips spp. Products: (P150 Beetleblock Verbenone )
- Blastophagus minor/Tomicus minorCommon Name: Pine shoot beetle Products: (P108-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Blastophagus piniperda/Tomicus piniperdaCommon name: Pine shoot beetle Products: (P154-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Cerambycid pheromone luresName: Cerambycid pheromone lures Products: (P538-Generic Lure) (P539-Species selective Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Choristoneura fumiferanaCommon Name: Eastern Spruce Budworm Products: (P439E) (P074-Trap) (P131-Trap)
- Choristoneura murinanaCommon name: European fir budworm Products: (P124-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Choristoneura occidentalisCommon Name: Western Spruce Budworm Products: (P439W) (P131-Trap)
- Choristoneura pinus pinusCommon Name: Jack Pine Budworm Products: (P652-Lure) (P131-Trap)
- Choristoneura rosaceanaCommon name: Oblique-banded leafroller Products: (P124-Lure R) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Choristoneura rosaceanaCommon Name: Oblique banded leaf roller Products: (P124) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Coleophora laricellaCommon name: Larch casebearer Products: (P383-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Conophthorin lure 200 microL in 250 microL CTProduct Name: Conophthorin lure 200 microL Products: (P298-250CT)
- Conophthorin lure 250 microL CT in 400 microliter tubeProduct Name: Conophthorin lure 250 microL CT Products: (P298-400CT)
- Dendroctonus adjunctusCommon Name: Roundheaded pine beetle Products: (P262-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Dendroctonus brevicomisCommon Name: Western pine beetle Products: (P130-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Dendroctonus frontalisCommon Name: Southern pine beetle Products: (P152-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Dendroctonus micansCommon Name: Great spruce bark beetle Products: (P373-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Dendroctonus ponderosaeCommon Name: Mountain pine beetle Products: (P113-Lure M) (P113-Lure T) (P218-Trap)
- Dendroctonus pseudotsugaeCommon Name: Douglas fir beetle Products: (P114-Lure M) (P114-Lure S) (P218-Tap)
- Dendroctonus rufipennisCommon Name: Spruce beetle Products: (P115-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Dendroctonus valensCommon Name: Red terpentine beetle Products: (P281-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Dioryctria abietivorellaCommon name: Fir coneworm Product: (P382-Lure) (P001-Trap)
- Dioryctria pentictonellaCommon name: Evergreen coneworm moth Products: (P461-Lure) (P001-Trap)
- Dioryctria splendidellaCommon name: Splendid knot-horn moth Products: (P379-Lure) (P001-Trap)
- Dryocoetes confususCommon Name: western balsam bark beetle Products: (P091-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Eucosma sonomanaCommon Name: Western pine shoot borer Products: (P516-Lure) (P215-Trap)
- Exotic MonochamusCommon name: Sawyer beetles Products: (P279-Attractant) (P218-Trap)
- Gnathotrichus sulcatusCommon Name: Western hemlock wood stainer Products: (P117-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Holcocerus hippophaecolusCommon name: Seabuckthorn carpenterworm Products: (P241-Lure) (P445-Lure) (P446-Insert)
- Holcocerus insularisCommon name: Carpenter-worm Products: (P372-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Ips accuminatusCommon Name: Twelve spined ips Products: (P283-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips calligraphusCommon name: Six-spined ips Products: (P361-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips cembraecommon name: Large larch bark beetle Products: (P370-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips grandicollisCommon name:Eastern fivespined ips Products: (P362-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips paraconfususCommon name: California fivespined ips Products: (P277-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips perturbatusCommon name: Northern spruce engraver Products: (P275-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips piniCommon name: Pine engraver Products: (P276-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips sexdentatusCommon name: Six-spined engraver beetle Products: (P282-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips subelongatusCommon name: Larch engraver beetle Products: (P377-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Ips typographusCommon name: European spruce bark beetle Product: (P274-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosaCommon Name: Western Hemlock Looper Products: (P561-Lure) (P073-Trap) (P215-Trap)
- Lymantria disparCommon name: Gypsy moth Products: (P219-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Lymantria monachaCommon Name: Nun Moth Products: (P217) (P074-Trap)
- Malacosoma disstriaCommon Name: Forest Tent Caterpillar Products: (P653-Lure) (P131-Trap)
- Manuka Oil (Agrilus planipennis)Common name: Emerald ash borer Products: (P385-Attractant) (P385 Purple EAB Tp)
- P222 Beetleblock MCHBeetleblock MCH, Available Now! EPA Registered Product 2015, Directly from Manufacturer P222 Beetleblock MCH
- Monochamus galloprovincialisCommon name: Pine longhorn beetle Products: (P333-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- (-)-Myrtenol LureName: Scolytidae Products: (P494-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Orgyia antiquaCommon name: Rusty tussock moth Products: (P437-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Orgyia pseudotsugataCommon Name: Douglas-fir Tussock moth Products: (P131-0.5) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert) (10 Units)
- Orgyia pseudotsugataCommon name: Douglas fir tussock moth Products: (P131-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Orthotomicus erosusCommon name: Mediterranean pine engraver beetle Products: (P273-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Pityogenes chalcographusCommon name: Six-toothed bark beetle Products: (P378-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Pityokteines curvidensCommon name: Fir engraver beetle Products: (P157-Lure P) (P218-Trap)
- Rhyacionia buoliana (EPSM)Common name: European pine shoot moth Products: (P254-Lure) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack)
- Scolytus multistriatusCommon name: Smaller European elm bark beetle Products: (P189-Lure M) (P188-Trap)
- Scolytus scolytusCommon name: Large elm bark beetle Products: (P189- Lure) (P188-Trap)
- Scolytus spp.Common name: Bark beetles Products: (P188-Lure) (P188-Trap)
- Sirex noctilio UHR DispenserCommon name: Sirex woodwasp Products: (P339-Attractant)
- Stenoma cateniferCommon name: Avocado seed moth Products: (P535-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack)
- Tetropium fuscumCommon name: Brown spruce longhorn beetle (P408-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Thaumetopoea pityocampaCommon name: Pine processionary moth Products: (P164-Lure T) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Thaumetopoea processioneaCommon name: Oak processionary moth Products: (P164-Lure) (P074-Trap) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformisCommon name: Evergreen bagworm moth Products: (P359-Lure) (P215-Trap)
- Tomicus destruensCommon name: Pine shoot beetle Products: (P421-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Trypodendron lineatumCommon name: Striped ambrosia beetle Products: (P041-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Xyleborus glabratusCommon Name: Redbay ambrosia beetle Products: (P541-Lure) (P218-Trap)
- Xyleborus speciesCommon name: Ambrosia beetles Products: (P387-Attractant) (P218-Trap)
- Xylosandrus spp.Common name: ambrosia beetles Products: (P415-Lure) (P218-Trap)
Fruit Flies
- 2-Component Fruit FlyCommon name: Mediterranean fruit fly Products: (P226-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- 20-24 week attractant for male Ceratitis capitataCommon name: Medfly (Ceratitis capitata) Products: (P388-B Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- 3 Component Fruit FlyCommon Name: Attracts Medfly and Anastrepha spp. flies Products: (P175-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Rhagoletis pomonellaCommon name: Apple maggot fly Products: (P345-Attractant) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert) (P215-Trap Pack)
- Bactrocera correctaCommon name: Guava fruit fly (P309-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Bactrocera cucurbitaeCommon name: Melon fly Products: (P310-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Bactrocera tyroniCommon name: Queensland fruit fly (P311-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P04-Trap)
- Bactrocera zonataCommon name: Peach fruit fly Lures: (P327-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Copaene 3% PlugCommon name: Mediterranean fruit fly Products: (P301-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-trap)
- Dacus dorsalisCommon name: Oriental fruit fly Products: (P011-Plug) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Cuelure plugCommon name: Bactrocera fruit flies Products: (P011-Plug) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Dacus ciliatusCommon name: Ethiopian fruit fly Products: (P466-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Dacus oleae (Pheromone & Attractant)Common name: Olive fruit fly Products: (P203-Lure PA) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Dacus persicusCommon name: Calotropis fruit fly Products: (P186-Lure) (P043-Lure) (P040-Lure)
- .Fruit Fly Product Brochure.
- Methyl eugenolAttractant for Bactrocera & Dacus fruit flies Products: (P017-Plug) (P177-Liter) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Myiopardalis pardalinaCommon name: Baluchistan fruit fly Products: (P039-Lure) (P043-Trap)
- Rhagoletis cerasiCommon name: Cherry fruit fly Products: (P307-Attractant) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Rhagoletis completaCommon name: Walnut husk fly Products: (P304-Attractant) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Torula/Borax TabletsGeneral fruit fly attractant Products: (P067-Attractant 1) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
- Trimedlure PlugsCommon name: Medfly (Ceratitis capitata) Products: (P252-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P040-Trap)
Home and Garden
- Bee MagnetProducts: (P351-Attractant)
- Crawling Beetles TrapP582-Trap Crawling Beetles Trap
- Cucumber BeetleCommon name:Cucumber beetle Products: (P313-Lure 3) (P313-Lure) (P131-Traps)
- Cydia pomonellaCommon name: Codling moth Products: (P206-S Lure) (P504-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Halyomorpha halys P588-LureOur Brown Marmorated Stink Bug P588-Lure lasts at least 12 weeks in the field.
- Musca domesticaCommon Name: Housefly Products: (P395-Lure) (P406-Lure) (P043-Trap) (P515-Trap)
- Pantry Pest LureProducts: (P346-Lure) FALTA TRAMPA Y DESCRIPCION
- PredalureProducts: (P204-Lure)
- Synanthedon exitiosaCommon name: Peachtree borer Products: (P374-Lure) (P215-Trap Pack) (P001-Trap)
- Vespula PlusProducts: (P475-Lure) (P043-Trap)
- Western Yellow JacketProducts: (P077-W Chip) (P043-Trap)
- Arabian Oryctes spp.Common name: Bunch stem borer Products: (P338-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Batrachedra amydraula (Improved Formulation)Common name: Lessor date moth Products: (P510-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- CombolureCommon name: Palm & Sugarcane Weevils Products: (P006-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
- Dynamis borassiCommon name: South American palm weevil Products: (P126-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
- Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Improved Formulation)Common name: Carob moth Products: (P444-Lure) (P445-Trap) (P446-Insert)
- Rhynchophorus ferrugineusCommon name: Red palm weevil Products: (P028-Lure) (P028-Smart) (P601-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
- Oiketicus kirbyiCommon name: Bagworm Products: (P045-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Oryctalure (Oryctes spp.)Common name: Rhinoceros beetles Products: (P046-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Rhynchophorus bilineatusCommon name: Black palm weevil Products: (P003-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
- Rhynchophorus cruentatusCommon name: Sabal palm weevil Florida Products: (P010-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
- Rhynchophorus phoenicusCommon name: African palm weevil Products: (P048-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
- Rhynchophorus palmarum (Rhyncolure)Common name: American Palm Weevil Products: (P058-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
- Scapanes australisCommon name: Melanesian rhinoceros beetle (P340-Lure) (P050-Trap)
- Weevil MagnetKairomone attractive to many species of palm and sugar cane weevils Products: Bottle (P080A-Lure) Pouch (P080-Lure) (P219L-Trap)
Stored Products
- Ahasverus advenaCommon name: Foreign grain beetle Products: (P326-Lure) (P102-Trap) (P093-Trap)
- Attractant for Grain BeetlesProducts: (P094-Attractant) (P102-Trap) (P093-Trap)
- Cadra figulilellaCommon name:Raisin moth Products: (P101-Lure) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack) (P073-Trap)
- Cryptolestes ferrugineusCommon name: Rusty grain beetle Products: (P334-Attractant) (P102-Trap) (P093-Trap)
- Ephestia cautellaCommon name: Almond moth Products: (P025-Lure) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack) (P073-Trap)
- Ephestia elutellaCommon Name: Tobacco moth Products: (P026-Lure) (P073-Trap) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack)
- Ephestia kuehniellaCommon name: Mediterranean flour moth Products: (P026-Lure T) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack) (P073-Trap)
- Ephestia & Plodia LureCommon name: Stored products moths Products: (P107-Lure) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack) (P073-Trap)
- Oryzaephilus spp.Common name: Saw toothed & merchant grain beetles Products: (P293-Lure) (P102-Trap) (P093-Trap)
- Plodia & Ephestia MDCommon name: Stored products moths Products: (P135-Lure) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack) (P073-Trap)
- Plodia interpunctellaCommon name: Indian meal moth Products: (P053-Lure) (P073-Trap) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack)
- Prostephanus truncatusCommon name: Larger grain borer Products: (P095-Lure) (P073-Trap) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack)
- Rhyzopertha dominicaCommon name: Lesser grain borer (P096-Lure) (P102-Trap) (P093-Trap)
- Lasioderma serricorneCommon name: Cigarette beetle Products: (P134-Each) (P102-Trap) (P093-Trap)
- Sitophilus granariusCommon name: Granary weevil Products: (P097-Lure) (P102-Trap) (P093-Trap)
- Sitophilus oryzaeCommon name: Rice weevil Products: (P098-Lure) (P102-Trap) (P093-Trap)
- Sitophilus zeamaisCommon name: Maize weevil Products: (P099-Lure)
- Sitotroga cerealellaCommon name: Angoumois grain moth Products: (P068-Lure) (P073-Trap) (P001-Trap) (P215-Trap Pack)
- Tribolium spp.Common name: Red & confused flour beetles Products: (P198-Lure) (P103-Trap) (P093-trap)
- Trogoderma granariumCommon name: Khapra beetle Products: (P072-Lure) (P093-Trap) (P103-Trap)
- Trogoderma variabileCommon name: Warehouse beetle Products: (P207-Lure) (P103-Trap) (P093-Trap)